Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly WIP - 1/25 Chevy Camero SS/RS Coupe (Part 1)

Here's an update on the Camero. For those that read the unboxing, I'd like to confirm my suspicion about the quality of the plastic and casting. It's just like working with a TT kit. Lots of flash, not all the pegs fit in the holes, and just a lot of little clean up things to do. But, being a much smaller kit, there's not nearly as much to do.

As for my progress, things are going ok. I tried out Vallejo's German Panzer Grey Primer on this kit. Had some issues spraying it, but once I got those sorted out, I think it went on pretty well. Looks really smooth.

Here are some of the parts I've started painting. Black looks good, but it's not as smooth as I would like. Guess I didn't sand the primer as well as I thought. Hopefully this will clear up with some gloss and buffing.

Well that's all for now.

What else I'm into...
Tekken Tag Tournament 2. This game is a lot of fun, but I have no idea what I'm doing.  is a pretty interesting. I prefer 2d games myself and haven't really ever played a 3D one. It's quite the change. But so far I'm enjoying the challenge of learning a system that is nothing like anything I've played before. I think it's getting some low reviews, but I think it's a solid 8. I it's fun, there's a ton to unlock, a bunch of different modes, and the netcode works pretty good. Personally I'm not a fan of interactive stages, there are a few interface things I don't like (it only remembers the first character of your team), and there's a story linking certain characters but it's not explained anywhere in the game. Someone new to the franchise (like me) is a bit lost. If you like fighting games, give it a shot.

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